Ketua Pengganti PFI periode 2019-2021: Ir. Joko Prasetyo, M.P

Admin PFI || Wednesday, 21 Apr 2021

Pengurus Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia mengucapkan selamat kepada Ir. Joko Prasetyo, M.P atas terpilihnya sebagai Ketua .....

Prof. Nick Talbot, Ph.D - Investigating The Cell Biology of Plant Infection by The Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae | International Webinar & Congress XXVI The Indonesian Phytopathologica

Admin PFI || Saturday, 10 Apr 2021

Prof. Nick Talbot, Ph.D - Investigating The Cell Biology of Plant Infection by The Rice .....

The Ecology of Endophytic Fungi - Roger T. Koide, Ph.D | International Webinar & Congress XXVI The Indonesian Phytopathological Society

Admin PFI || Saturday, 10 Apr 2021

The Ecology of Endophytic Fungi - Roger T. Koide, Ph.D | International Webinar & Congress .....

Materi Webinar Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia Tahun 2021

Admin PFI || Thursday, 01 Apr 2021

31 Maret 2021 - Dr. Mohamad Rafi, M.Si - Metabolomik :  Prospek Aplikasi di Bidang .....

The Indonesian Phytopathological Society proudly presents a Virtual International Conference on the 28th - 30th of October 2021.

Admin PFI || Wednesday, 31 Mar 2021

Call for AbstractThe Indonesian Phytopathological Society proudly presents a Virtual International Conference on the 28th .....